Individual Therapy

Cindy provides client-centered therapy that focuses not only on the presenting emotional or relational concern but also zooming out and working towards promoting future mental health growth. Her practice encompasses an integral of various evidence-based models which she is either certified in or actively working towards certification. These models include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR). 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) looks at the relationship between thoughts, feelings, behaviors and somatic symptoms. Oftentimes a client presents wanting to change their emotions, but aren’t necessarily sure how to do this. Research has shown that often when we begin to change the way we think and our behaviors this then impacts our emotional state. 

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated by Dr Sue Johnson. The strategies and techniques of EFT are now used with individuals, couples and families. A substantial body of research outlines the effectiveness of EFT. The overarching goals of EFT include to help a client expand and re-organize key emotional responses, to create a shift in partner’s interactional-relational patterns and to foster the creation of a secure, safe bond between partners and within self. Please refer to the EFT website ( to get further information about the treatment model and present research outcomes. 

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that assumes emotional pain is often caused by one’s brain becoming blocked or imbalanced due to the impact of a disturbing event. EMDR helps to remove these blocks through the use of evidence-based protocols which incorporate bilateral stimulation (oftentimes in the form of eye-movements) to allow for the block to be removed so the brain's natural healing process can occur. 

What will sessions look like? Therapy starts with an intake assessment, which typically lasts 60-75 minutes. This appointment will look and feel like an interview allowing for the client to share about what is bringing them in for therapy along with other information about their relationships, family of origin, employment, etc.  This first session is also an opportunity for the client to meet the therapist. Evidence shows it is important for you to feel comfortable with your therapist. If after the first meeting you don't feel like the relationship is a "good fit" please discuss this with Cindy and she will be more than happy to help you find a better match. Following this initial session, together the client and therapist will work together to come to a shared understanding on how the problem is affecting the client's thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships and daily living activities. From this shared understanding, together we will then agree upon goals for making change. To reach these goals for change, therapy will then include using various evidence-based strategies (listed above, some not all modalities may be used) and out-of-session homework tasks. 

Cindy highly values the therapeutic relationship and provides genuine warmth, empathy and nonjudgmental acceptance to all clients regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender orientation, age, ethnicity, disability status, or faith/religious affiliation. Cindy will seek to understand your point of view while encouraging and challenging you to reach your goals. Cindy is dedicated to walking alongside you during your process of growth.